Best TikTok ads - New Zealand

Published on August 18 2022 by Pipiads

Looking for some Best TikTok ads - New Zealand ? You've come to the right place.

Updated on October 21 2024


Each week, we update this resource with the Best TikTok ads - New Zealand, what they are, and how you can incorporate them into your strategy.

FYI:Pipiads is a TikTok adspy tool, we can provide TikTok ad library, convenient for you to view competitors' ads placement and find popular TikTok products.

Best TikTok ads - New Zealand: August 2022

New Zealand: August 2022 Only 10 ads will be displayed, the names of these 10 ads are:


They are sorted by top views and belong to the best results Best TikTok ads - New Zealand: August 2022

The total number of days for these 10 ads:4198027 Ad Impressions,49 Days,4735 Popularity,4198027 views,4650 likes,48 comments,37 shares.

The countries they advertise contain: New Zealand



Ad Text:

Call to action: Learn more

Ad targeting: New Zealand

TikTok ad cost:: $5437.32 - 21789.55

New Zealand TikTok cpm: $1.35

4027643 Ad Impressions,43 Days,4513 Popularity,4027643 views,4430 likes,48 comments,35 shares.



Ad Text:

Call to action: Learn more

Ad targeting: New Zealand

TikTok ad cost:: $230.02 - 921.78

New Zealand TikTok cpm: $1.35

170384 Ad Impressions,6 Days,222 Popularity,170384 views,220 likes,0 comments,2 shares.

FYI:Pipiads is a TikTok adspy tool, we can provide TikTok ad library, convenient for you to view competitors' ads placement and find popular TikTok products.

Best TikTok ads - New Zealand: July 2022

New Zealand: July 2022 Only 10 ads will be displayed, the names of these 10 ads are:

parintele_vasile_ioana,Hendys,Candy life,,Lazada – online shopping app!,UniversalPicturesNZ,Amazon Shopping,,,Fire and Emergency NZ.

They are sorted by top views and belong to the best results Best TikTok ads - New Zealand: July 2022

The total number of days for these 10 ads:14843675 Ad Impressions,286 Days,106885 Popularity,14843675 views,104947 likes,784 comments,1154 shares.

The countries they advertise contain: New Zealand



Display name:

Ad Text:

Call to action: Watch now

Ad targeting: New Zealand

TikTok ad cost:: $9240.29 - 37029.61

New Zealand TikTok cpm: $1.35

6844660 Ad Impressions,97 Days,25364 Popularity,6844660 views,24770 likes,190 comments,404 shares.



Ad Text:

Call to action: Shop now

Ad targeting: New Zealand

TikTok ad cost:: $1520.6 - 6093.65

New Zealand TikTok cpm: $1.35

1126021 Ad Impressions,131 Days,22100 Popularity,1126021 views,21909 likes,63 comments,128 shares.


Candy life

Ad Text:

Call to action: Watch now

Ad targeting: New Zealand

TikTok ad cost:: $996.61 - 3993.81

New Zealand TikTok cpm: $1.35

738228 Ad Impressions,1 Days,21586 Popularity,738228 views,21323 likes,213 comments,50 shares.


Ad Text:

Call to action: Shop now

Ad targeting: New Zealand

TikTok ad cost:: $569.59 - 2282.57

New Zealand TikTok cpm: $1.35

421916 Ad Impressions,1 Days,12466 Popularity,421916 views,11907 likes,180 comments,379 shares.


Lazada – online shopping app!

Display name:

Ad Text:

Call to action: Shop now

Ad targeting: New Zealand

TikTok ad cost:: $2093.59 - 8389.87

New Zealand TikTok cpm: $1.35

1550807 Ad Impressions,3 Days,5125 Popularity,1550807 views,5074 likes,22 comments,29 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text:

Call to action: Book now

Ad targeting: New Zealand

TikTok ad cost:: $115.4 - 462.46

New Zealand TikTok cpm: $1.35

85483 Ad Impressions,3 Days,4850 Popularity,85483 views,4772 likes,56 comments,22 shares.


Amazon Shopping

Ad Text:

Call to action: Download

Ad targeting: New Zealand

TikTok ad cost:: $2747.82 - 11011.64

New Zealand TikTok cpm: $1.35

2035423 Ad Impressions,1 Days,4604 Popularity,2035423 views,4584 likes,8 comments,12 shares.


Ad Text:

Call to action: Shop now

Ad targeting: New Zealand

TikTok ad cost:: $924.37 - 3704.31

New Zealand TikTok cpm: $1.35

684715 Ad Impressions,46 Days,4380 Popularity,684715 views,4296 likes,19 comments,65 shares.


Ad Text:

Call to action: Download

Ad targeting: New Zealand

TikTok ad cost:: $803.41 - 3219.6

New Zealand TikTok cpm: $1.35

595121 Ad Impressions,1 Days,4188 Popularity,595121 views,4133 likes,33 comments,22 shares.


Fire and Emergency NZ

Display name:

Ad Text:

Call to action: Learn more

Ad targeting: New Zealand

TikTok ad cost:: $1027.76 - 4118.64

New Zealand TikTok cpm: $1.35

761301 Ad Impressions,2 Days,2222 Popularity,761301 views,2179 likes,0 comments,43 shares.

FYI:Pipiads is a TikTok adspy tool, we can provide TikTok ad library, convenient for you to view competitors' ads placement and find popular TikTok products.

Best TikTok ads - New Zealand: June 2022

New Zealand: June 2022 Only 10 ads will be displayed, the names of these 10 ads are:

SHEKOU,SHEKOU,SHEKOU,SHEKOU,SHEKOU,SHEKOU,SHEKOU,trilogyproducts,trilogyproducts,Instinction the Game.

They are sorted by top views and belong to the best results Best TikTok ads - New Zealand: June 2022

The total number of days for these 10 ads:57021039 Ad Impressions,544 Days,1457326 Popularity,57021039 views,1444807 likes,5304 comments,7215 shares.

The countries they advertise contain: New Zealand,Canada,United States,Malaysia,United Arab Emirates,Australia,Germany



Ad Text:

Call to action: Shop now

Ad targeting: Canada,New Zealand,United States,Germany,United Arab Emirates

TikTok ad cost:: $50674.59 - 203157.49

Canada TikTok cpm: $1.75

New Zealand TikTok cpm: $1.35

United States TikTok cpm: $3.42

Germany TikTok cpm: $1.57

United Arab Emirates TikTok cpm: $0.74

28694225 Ad Impressions,215 Days,635052 Popularity,28694225 views,629744 likes,2156 comments,3152 shares.



Ad Text:

Call to action: Comprar agora

Ad targeting: New Zealand

TikTok ad cost:: $13470.74 - 53982.73

New Zealand TikTok cpm: $1.35

9978323 Ad Impressions,17 Days,352370 Popularity,9978323 views,349608 likes,1141 comments,1621 shares.



Ad Text:

Call to action: Shop now

Ad targeting: New Zealand,United States

TikTok ad cost:: $13530.01 - 54233.5

New Zealand TikTok cpm: $1.35

United States TikTok cpm: $3.42

5672960 Ad Impressions,27 Days,216385 Popularity,5672960 views,214790 likes,861 comments,734 shares.



Ad Text:

Call to action: Comprar agora

Ad targeting: New Zealand

TikTok ad cost:: $5287.62 - 21189.63

New Zealand TikTok cpm: $1.35

3916752 Ad Impressions,2 Days,101658 Popularity,3916752 views,100197 likes,517 comments,944 shares.



Ad Text:

Call to action: Shop now

Ad targeting: New Zealand

TikTok ad cost:: $2697.65 - 10810.6

New Zealand TikTok cpm: $1.35

1998262 Ad Impressions,10 Days,50704 Popularity,1998262 views,49920 likes,282 comments,502 shares.



Ad Text:

Call to action: Shop now

Ad targeting: New Zealand

TikTok ad cost:: $1709.35 - 6850.07

New Zealand TikTok cpm: $1.35

1266187 Ad Impressions,16 Days,33038 Popularity,1266187 views,32832 likes,139 comments,67 shares.



Ad Text:

Call to action: Shop now

Ad targeting: Canada,New Zealand

TikTok ad cost:: $5253.53 - 21048.01

Canada TikTok cpm: $1.75

New Zealand TikTok cpm: $1.35

3389373 Ad Impressions,5 Days,30669 Popularity,3389373 views,30452 likes,103 comments,114 shares.



Ad Text:

Call to action: Learn more

Ad targeting: New Zealand,United States,Malaysia

TikTok ad cost:: $455.02 - 1825.04

New Zealand TikTok cpm: $1.35

United States TikTok cpm: $3.42

Malaysia TikTok cpm: $0.71

249096 Ad Impressions,49 Days,18734 Popularity,249096 views,18725 likes,5 comments,4 shares.



Ad Text:

Call to action: Learn more

Ad targeting: New Zealand,United States,Australia,Canada

TikTok ad cost:: $2865.25 - 11478.03

New Zealand TikTok cpm: $1.35

United States TikTok cpm: $3.42

Australia TikTok cpm: $1.89

Canada TikTok cpm: $1.75

1362782 Ad Impressions,187 Days,9559 Popularity,1362782 views,9453 likes,57 comments,49 shares.


Instinction the Game

Display name:

Ad Text:

Call to action: Interested

Ad targeting: Australia,New Zealand

TikTok ad cost:: $798.79 - 3197.62

Australia TikTok cpm: $1.89

New Zealand TikTok cpm: $1.35

493079 Ad Impressions,16 Days,9157 Popularity,493079 views,9086 likes,43 comments,28 shares.

FYI:Pipiads is a TikTok adspy tool, we can provide TikTok ad library, convenient for you to view competitors' ads placement and find popular TikTok products.

Best TikTok ads - New Zealand: May 2022

New Zealand: May 2022 Only 10 ads will be displayed, the names of these 10 ads are:

pheromonie,SHEKOU,SHEKOU,SHEKOU,SHEKOU,Anjuli Mack,Adam,SHEKOU,veraspavlova,SHEKOU.

They are sorted by top views and belong to the best results Best TikTok ads - New Zealand: May 2022

The total number of days for these 10 ads:21015813 Ad Impressions,512 Days,340250 Popularity,21015813 views,334400 likes,1196 comments,4654 shares.

The countries they advertise contain: New Zealand,Canada,Taiwan,Italy,Australia



Ad Text:

Call to action: Shop now

Ad targeting: New Zealand

TikTok ad cost:: $3729.63 - 14946.14

New Zealand TikTok cpm: $1.35

2762688 Ad Impressions,20 Days,76279 Popularity,2762688 views,75778 likes,4 comments,497 shares.



Ad Text:

Call to action: Shop now

Ad targeting: New Zealand,Australia

TikTok ad cost:: $8988.19 - 35980.51

New Zealand TikTok cpm: $1.35

Australia TikTok cpm: $1.89

5548266 Ad Impressions,20 Days,76014 Popularity,5548266 views,75710 likes,209 comments,95 shares.



Ad Text:

Call to action: Shop now

Ad targeting: New Zealand,Canada,Australia,Italy

TikTok ad cost:: $3516.63 - 14078.89

New Zealand TikTok cpm: $1.35

Canada TikTok cpm: $1.75

Australia TikTok cpm: $1.89

Italy TikTok cpm: $0.69

2476498 Ad Impressions,56 Days,65332 Popularity,2476498 views,64737 likes,252 comments,343 shares.



Ad Text:

Call to action: Shop now

Ad targeting: New Zealand

TikTok ad cost:: $1262.84 - 5060.72

New Zealand TikTok cpm: $1.35

935439 Ad Impressions,26 Days,25873 Popularity,935439 views,25489 likes,212 comments,172 shares.



Ad Text:

Call to action: Shop now

Ad targeting: New Zealand

TikTok ad cost:: $2360.9 - 9461.11

New Zealand TikTok cpm: $1.35

1748818 Ad Impressions,14 Days,22457 Popularity,1748818 views,22337 likes,76 comments,44 shares.


Anjuli Mack

Ad Text:

Call to action: Learn more

Ad targeting: New Zealand

TikTok ad cost:: $492.63 - 1974.16

New Zealand TikTok cpm: $1.35

364704 Ad Impressions,199 Days,21315 Popularity,364704 views,18457 likes,152 comments,2706 shares.



Ad Text:

Call to action: Learn more

Ad targeting: Australia,New Zealand,Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $7989.32 - 31975.16

Australia TikTok cpm: $1.89

New Zealand TikTok cpm: $1.35

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

5361710 Ad Impressions,155 Days,14153 Popularity,5361710 views,13255 likes,156 comments,742 shares.



Ad Text:

Call to action: Shop now

Ad targeting: New Zealand,Australia,Canada

TikTok ad cost:: $1512.58 - 6056.36

New Zealand TikTok cpm: $1.35

Australia TikTok cpm: $1.89

Canada TikTok cpm: $1.75

909364 Ad Impressions,12 Days,13291 Popularity,909364 views,13236 likes,45 comments,10 shares.



Ad Text:

Call to action: Sign up

Ad targeting: New Zealand

TikTok ad cost:: $465.36 - 1864.88

New Zealand TikTok cpm: $1.35

344709 Ad Impressions,8 Days,12820 Popularity,344709 views,12760 likes,42 comments,18 shares.



Ad Text:

Call to action: Shop now

Ad targeting: New Zealand

TikTok ad cost:: $760.88 - 3049.17

New Zealand TikTok cpm: $1.35

563617 Ad Impressions,2 Days,12716 Popularity,563617 views,12641 likes,48 comments,27 shares.

FYI:Pipiads is a TikTok adspy tool, we can provide TikTok ad library, convenient for you to view competitors' ads placement and find popular TikTok products.

Best TikTok ads - New Zealand: April 2022

New Zealand: April 2022 Only 10 ads will be displayed, the names of these 10 ads are:

SHEKOU,🍪,SHEKOU,droneporn,liv | studytok,SHEKOU,CleanPost,SHEKOU,Drax Project,Factor75.

They are sorted by top views and belong to the best results Best TikTok ads - New Zealand: April 2022

The total number of days for these 10 ads:31071214 Ad Impressions,517 Days,574378 Popularity,31071214 views,565052 likes,3222 comments,6104 shares.

The countries they advertise contain: New Zealand,Canada,United States,Brazil,United Kingdom,Australia



Ad Text:

Call to action: Order immediately

Ad targeting: New Zealand,Brazil,United States

TikTok ad cost:: $17030.07 - 68239.99

New Zealand TikTok cpm: $1.35

Brazil TikTok cpm: $0.92

United States TikTok cpm: $3.42

8978946 Ad Impressions,71 Days,267767 Popularity,8978946 views,264100 likes,1354 comments,2313 shares.



Ad Text:

Call to action: Listen now

Ad targeting: New Zealand

TikTok ad cost:: $3685.5 - 14772.89

New Zealand TikTok cpm: $1.35

1545264 Ad Impressions,145 Days,90633 Popularity,1545264 views,89931 likes,428 comments,274 shares.



Ad Text:

Call to action: Shop now

Ad targeting: New Zealand

TikTok ad cost:: $1592.22 - 6380.67

New Zealand TikTok cpm: $1.35

1179421 Ad Impressions,9 Days,37736 Popularity,1179421 views,37485 likes,197 comments,54 shares.



Ad Text:

Call to action: Learn more

Ad targeting: Australia,New Zealand,Canada

TikTok ad cost:: $11810.5 - 47289.36

Australia TikTok cpm: $1.89

New Zealand TikTok cpm: $1.35

Canada TikTok cpm: $1.75

7100084 Ad Impressions,106 Days,34784 Popularity,7100084 views,33581 likes,318 comments,885 shares.


liv | studytok

Ad Text:

Call to action: View now

Ad targeting: United Kingdom,United States,New Zealand,Australia,Canada

TikTok ad cost:: $804.38 - 3222.2

United Kingdom TikTok cpm: $1.89

United States TikTok cpm: $3.42

New Zealand TikTok cpm: $1.35

Australia TikTok cpm: $1.89

Canada TikTok cpm: $1.75

389997 Ad Impressions,72 Days,33141 Popularity,389997 views,32477 likes,62 comments,602 shares.



Ad Text:

Call to action: Shop now

Ad targeting: New Zealand

TikTok ad cost:: $1646.48 - 6598.12

New Zealand TikTok cpm: $1.35

1219616 Ad Impressions,12 Days,29632 Popularity,1219616 views,29068 likes,353 comments,211 shares.



Ad Text:

Call to action: Shop now

Ad targeting: New Zealand

TikTok ad cost:: $5348.04 - 21431.76

New Zealand TikTok cpm: $1.35

3961508 Ad Impressions,58 Days,26786 Popularity,3961508 views,25275 likes,207 comments,1304 shares.



Ad Text:

Call to action: Shop now

Ad targeting: New Zealand

TikTok ad cost:: $1314.91 - 5269.38

New Zealand TikTok cpm: $1.35

974007 Ad Impressions,15 Days,18831 Popularity,974007 views,18579 likes,72 comments,180 shares.


Drax Project

Ad Text:

Call to action: Learn more

Ad targeting: New Zealand

TikTok ad cost:: $1316.12 - 5274.25

New Zealand TikTok cpm: $1.35

974907 Ad Impressions,6 Days,18499 Popularity,974907 views,18382 likes,60 comments,57 shares.



Ad Text:

Call to action: Purchase it now

Ad targeting: United States,New Zealand

TikTok ad cost:: $11322.7 - 45385.76

United States TikTok cpm: $3.42

New Zealand TikTok cpm: $1.35

4747464 Ad Impressions,23 Days,16569 Popularity,4747464 views,16174 likes,171 comments,224 shares.

FYI:Pipiads is a TikTok adspy tool, we can provide TikTok ad library, convenient for you to view competitors' ads placement and find popular TikTok products.


Pipiads has a large number of Best TikTok ads - New Zealand, only 50 example cases are listed above, to see more and better of Best TikTok ads - New Zealand, come sign up for pipiads and try it for free!

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