TikTok braces for teeth ads

Published on August 18 2022 by Pipiads

Looking for some TikTok braces for teeth ads ? You've come to the right place.

Updated on October 8 2024


Each week, we update this resource with the TikTok braces for teeth ads, what they are, and how you can incorporate them into your strategy.

FYI:Pipiads is a TikTok adspy tool, we can provide TikTok ad example, convenient for you to view competitors' ads placement and find popular TikTok products.

TikTok braces for teeth ads: October 2024

TikTok braces for teeth ads: October 2024 Only 10 ads will be displayed, the names of these 10 ads are:


They are sorted by top views and belong to the best results TikTok braces for teeth ads: October 2024

The total number of days for these 10 ads:9799 Ad Impressions,3 Days,102 Popularity,9799 views,94 likes,6 comments,2 shares.

The countries they advertise contain: United Kingdom



Ad Text:

Call to action: Shop now

Ad targeting: United Kingdom

TikTok ad cost:: $18.52 - 74.18

United Kingdom TikTok cpm: $1.89

9799 Ad Impressions,3 Days,102 Popularity,9799 views,94 likes,6 comments,2 shares.

TikTok braces for teeth ads: September 2024

TikTok braces for teeth ads: September 2024 Only 10 ads will be displayed, the names of these 10 ads are:

Smile White Aligners,Em_McKentry,teeth park,IsabellaGlam💚,IsabellaGlam💚,IsabellaGlam💚,Marti 🩷,Pure Gleam Essentials,Vogue Dental Studios.

They are sorted by top views and belong to the best results TikTok braces for teeth ads: September 2024

The total number of days for these 10 ads:427048 Ad Impressions,58 Days,1150 Popularity,427048 views,1077 likes,29 comments,44 shares.

The countries they advertise contain: United States,United Kingdom,Thailand,Australia


Smile White Aligners

Display name:

Ad Text:

Call to action: Learn more

Ad targeting: United Kingdom

TikTok ad cost:: $61.13 - 244.84

United Kingdom TikTok cpm: $1.89

32343 Ad Impressions,1 Days,8 Popularity,32343 views,8 likes,0 comments,0 shares.



Ad Text:

Call to action: Shop now

Ad targeting: United States

TikTok ad cost:: $4.59 - 18.39

United States TikTok cpm: $3.42

2609 Ad Impressions,2 Days,4 Popularity,2609 views,4 likes,0 comments,0 shares.


teeth park

Ad Text:

Call to action: จองเลย

Ad targeting: Thailand

TikTok ad cost:: $155.73 - 622.91

Thailand TikTok cpm: $0.66

235905 Ad Impressions,9 Days,758 Popularity,235905 views,744 likes,5 comments,9 shares.



Ad Text:

Call to action: Shop now

Ad targeting: United Kingdom

TikTok ad cost:: $15.22 - 60.97

United Kingdom TikTok cpm: $1.89

8054 Ad Impressions,1 Days,8 Popularity,8054 views,8 likes,0 comments,0 shares.



Ad Text:

Call to action: Shop now

Ad targeting: United Kingdom

TikTok ad cost:: $3.23 - 12.94

United Kingdom TikTok cpm: $1.89

1709 Ad Impressions,1 Days,1 Popularity,1709 views,1 likes,0 comments,0 shares.



Ad Text:

Call to action: Shop now

Ad targeting: United Kingdom

TikTok ad cost:: $4.42 - 17.71

United Kingdom TikTok cpm: $1.89

2340 Ad Impressions,1 Days,2 Popularity,2340 views,2 likes,0 comments,0 shares.


Marti 🩷

Ad Text:

Call to action: Shop now

Ad targeting: United States

TikTok ad cost:: $32.71 - 131.14

United States TikTok cpm: $3.42

9352 Ad Impressions,5 Days,22 Popularity,9352 views,21 likes,0 comments,1 shares.


Pure Gleam Essentials

Display name:

Ad Text:

Call to action: Shop now

Ad targeting: United States

TikTok ad cost:: $11.02 - 44.19

United States TikTok cpm: $3.42

2953 Ad Impressions,2 Days,8 Popularity,2953 views,7 likes,1 comments,0 shares.


Vogue Dental Studios

Display name:

Ad Text:

Call to action: Learn more

Ad targeting: Australia

TikTok ad cost:: $249.07 - 996.28

Australia TikTok cpm: $1.89

131783 Ad Impressions,36 Days,339 Popularity,131783 views,282 likes,23 comments,34 shares.

TikTok braces for teeth ads: August 2024

TikTok braces for teeth ads: August 2024 Only 10 ads will be displayed, the names of these 10 ads are:

UGCEnchantress,Pure Gleam Essentials,Motto Aligners,Beverly adaeze,Tooth Doctors Dental Davao,hollywoodsmiledxb,Bellashes,Evia Dental Studio,Brightup,Beauty_Skincare.

They are sorted by top views and belong to the best results TikTok braces for teeth ads: August 2024

The total number of days for these 10 ads:14694529 Ad Impressions,85 Days,159576 Popularity,14694529 views,158547 likes,41 comments,988 shares.

The countries they advertise contain: United States,Philippines,United Arab Emirates,Korea



Ad Text:

Call to action: Shop now

Ad targeting: United States

TikTok ad cost:: $0.61 - 2.43

United States TikTok cpm: $3.42

282 Ad Impressions,1 Days,21 Popularity,282 views,18 likes,3 comments,0 shares.


Pure Gleam Essentials

Display name:

Ad Text:

Call to action: Shop now

Ad targeting: United States

TikTok ad cost:: $40.58 - 162.68

United States TikTok cpm: $3.42

11789 Ad Impressions,4 Days,58 Popularity,11789 views,51 likes,3 comments,4 shares.


Motto Aligners

Ad Text:

Call to action: Book now

Ad targeting: United States

TikTok ad cost:: $478.52 - 1918.26

United States TikTok cpm: $3.42

139746 Ad Impressions,9 Days,405 Popularity,139746 views,383 likes,7 comments,15 shares.


Beverly adaeze

Ad Text:

Call to action: Learn more

Ad targeting: United States

TikTok ad cost:: $48308.99 - 193659.71

United States TikTok cpm: $3.42

14125435 Ad Impressions,42 Days,157585 Popularity,14125435 views,156639 likes,22 comments,924 shares.


Tooth Doctors Dental Davao

Display name:

Ad Text:

Call to action: Learn more

Ad targeting: Philippines

TikTok ad cost:: $143.63 - 577.79

Philippines TikTok cpm: $0.44

326372 Ad Impressions,12 Days,1293 Popularity,326372 views,1260 likes,2 comments,31 shares.



Ad Text:

Call to action: إرسال رسالة

Ad targeting: United Arab Emirates

TikTok ad cost:: $21.56 - 86.83

United Arab Emirates TikTok cpm: $0.74

29117 Ad Impressions,4 Days,83 Popularity,29117 views,70 likes,4 comments,9 shares.



Ad Text:

Call to action: تسوَّق الآن

Ad targeting: United Arab Emirates

TikTok ad cost:: $5.26 - 21.17

United Arab Emirates TikTok cpm: $0.74

7102 Ad Impressions,2 Days,35 Popularity,7102 views,34 likes,0 comments,1 shares.


Evia Dental Studio

Display name:

Ad Text:

Call to action: Book now

Ad targeting: Philippines

TikTok ad cost:: $22.34 - 89.89

Philippines TikTok cpm: $0.44

50758 Ad Impressions,8 Days,82 Popularity,50758 views,78 likes,0 comments,4 shares.



Ad Text:

Call to action: Shop now

Ad targeting: United States

TikTok ad cost:: $1.78 - 7.14

United States TikTok cpm: $3.42

418 Ad Impressions,1 Days,5 Popularity,418 views,5 likes,0 comments,0 shares.



Ad Text:

Call to action: 메시지 보내기

Ad targeting: Korea

TikTok ad cost:: $3

Korea TikTok cpm: $3

3510 Ad Impressions,2 Days,9 Popularity,3510 views,9 likes,0 comments,0 shares.

TikTok braces for teeth ads: July 2024

TikTok braces for teeth ads: July 2024 Only 10 ads will be displayed, the names of these 10 ads are:

Brightup,twindentists,Smile White Aligners,Veronica 🧸,MotherandFetusesDental,Smile White Aligners,MotherandFetusesDental.

They are sorted by top views and belong to the best results TikTok braces for teeth ads: July 2024

The total number of days for these 10 ads:7421324 Ad Impressions,179 Days,12907 Popularity,7421324 views,11627 likes,183 comments,1097 shares.

The countries they advertise contain: United States,Japan,United Kingdom,Malaysia,United Arab Emirates



Ad Text:

Call to action: Shop now

Ad targeting: United States

TikTok ad cost:: $1.34 - 5.35

United States TikTok cpm: $3.42

392 Ad Impressions,1 Days,3 Popularity,392 views,3 likes,0 comments,0 shares.



Ad Text:

Call to action: Learn more

Ad targeting: United Kingdom

TikTok ad cost:: $2925.75 - 11718.5

United Kingdom TikTok cpm: $1.89

1547691 Ad Impressions,27 Days,3914 Popularity,1547691 views,3623 likes,74 comments,217 shares.


Smile White Aligners

Display name:

Ad Text:

Call to action: Learn more

Ad targeting: United Kingdom

TikTok ad cost:: $9245.47 - 37030.81

United Kingdom TikTok cpm: $1.89

4891367 Ad Impressions,48 Days,7917 Popularity,4891367 views,7047 likes,96 comments,774 shares.


Veronica 🧸

Ad Text:

Call to action: 今すぐ購入

Ad targeting: Malaysia

TikTok ad cost:: $18.27 - 73.25

Malaysia TikTok cpm: $0.71

8365 Ad Impressions,5 Days,45 Popularity,8365 views,34 likes,0 comments,11 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text:

Call to action: Envoyer un message

Ad targeting: United Arab Emirates

TikTok ad cost:: $12.34 - 49.69

United Arab Emirates TikTok cpm: $0.74

16647 Ad Impressions,3 Days,45 Popularity,16647 views,38 likes,0 comments,7 shares.


Smile White Aligners

Display name:

Ad Text:

Call to action: Learn more

Ad targeting: United Kingdom,Japan

TikTok ad cost:: $1921.61 - 7700.63

United Kingdom TikTok cpm: $1.89

Japan TikTok cpm: $2.17

946605 Ad Impressions,91 Days,936 Popularity,946605 views,837 likes,13 comments,86 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text:

Call to action: إرسال رسالة

Ad targeting: United Arab Emirates

TikTok ad cost:: $7.62 - 30.69

United Arab Emirates TikTok cpm: $0.74

10257 Ad Impressions,4 Days,47 Popularity,10257 views,45 likes,0 comments,2 shares.

TikTok braces for teeth ads: June 2024

TikTok braces for teeth ads: June 2024 Only 10 ads will be displayed, the names of these 10 ads are:

360orthodontics,bellavisomedicalcenter,Kitkatt🔥🚒👩🏻‍🚒🚑,Lindsey Joanna,Something Nice Company,360orthodontics,JD🦇.

They are sorted by top views and belong to the best results TikTok braces for teeth ads: June 2024

The total number of days for these 10 ads:1954412 Ad Impressions,291 Days,4512 Popularity,1954412 views,4103 likes,87 comments,322 shares.

The countries they advertise contain: United States,United Arab Emirates



Ad Text:

Call to action: Book appointment now

Ad targeting: United States

TikTok ad cost:: $771.5 - 3092.76

United States TikTok cpm: $3.42

225581 Ad Impressions,77 Days,582 Popularity,225581 views,492 likes,10 comments,80 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text:

Call to action: إرسال رسالة

Ad targeting: United Arab Emirates

TikTok ad cost:: $4.93 - 19.84

United Arab Emirates TikTok cpm: $0.74

6340 Ad Impressions,4 Days,37 Popularity,6340 views,37 likes,0 comments,0 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text:

Call to action: Shop now

Ad targeting: United States

TikTok ad cost:: $43.41 - 174.01

United States TikTok cpm: $3.42

12478 Ad Impressions,5 Days,60 Popularity,12478 views,60 likes,0 comments,0 shares.


Lindsey Joanna

Ad Text:

Call to action: Shop now

Ad targeting: United States

TikTok ad cost:: $165.44 - 663.22

United States TikTok cpm: $3.42

48083 Ad Impressions,9 Days,191 Popularity,48083 views,178 likes,9 comments,4 shares.


Something Nice Company

Display name:

Ad Text:

Call to action: Learn more

Ad targeting: United States

TikTok ad cost:: $721.51 - 2894.69

United States TikTok cpm: $3.42

479584 Ad Impressions,77 Days,1677 Popularity,479584 views,1592 likes,26 comments,59 shares.



Ad Text:

Call to action: Book appointment now

Ad targeting: United States

TikTok ad cost:: $4034.96 - 16175.25

United States TikTok cpm: $3.42

1179814 Ad Impressions,118 Days,1956 Popularity,1179814 views,1736 likes,41 comments,179 shares.



Ad Text:

Call to action: Shop now

Ad targeting: United States

TikTok ad cost:: $4.64 - 18.59

United States TikTok cpm: $3.42

2532 Ad Impressions,1 Days,9 Popularity,2532 views,8 likes,1 comments,0 shares.

TikTok braces for teeth ads: May 2024

TikTok braces for teeth ads: May 2024 Only 10 ads will be displayed, the names of these 10 ads are:

risa_ris420,Julie beauty by design,biggrindentalclinic,Evia Dental Studio,Pure Gleam Essentials,Gemini Medical Center,biggrindentalclinic,Braces and Dental Splints,Braces and Dental Splints,gigiincdentalclinic.

They are sorted by top views and belong to the best results TikTok braces for teeth ads: May 2024

The total number of days for these 10 ads:493438 Ad Impressions,44 Days,4579 Popularity,493438 views,4514 likes,22 comments,43 shares.

The countries they advertise contain: Canada,United States,Philippines,Malaysia,United Arab Emirates



Ad Text:

Call to action: Shop now

Ad targeting: United States

TikTok ad cost:: $1.77 - 7.09

United States TikTok cpm: $3.42

423 Ad Impressions,1 Days,10 Popularity,423 views,10 likes,0 comments,0 shares.


Julie beauty by design

Display name:

Ad Text:

Call to action: Shop now

Ad targeting: United States

TikTok ad cost:: $541.69 - 2171.51

United States TikTok cpm: $3.42

158032 Ad Impressions,2 Days,3057 Popularity,158032 views,3005 likes,17 comments,35 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text:

Call to action: Ketahui lebih lanjut

Ad targeting: Malaysia

TikTok ad cost:: $15.42 - 62.12

Malaysia TikTok cpm: $0.71

21695 Ad Impressions,4 Days,105 Popularity,21695 views,104 likes,0 comments,1 shares.


Evia Dental Studio

Display name:

Ad Text:

Call to action: Book now

Ad targeting: Philippines

TikTok ad cost:: $61.13 - 245.92

Philippines TikTok cpm: $0.44

138907 Ad Impressions,15 Days,1117 Popularity,138907 views,1109 likes,4 comments,4 shares.


Pure Gleam Essentials

Display name:

Ad Text:

Call to action: Shop now

Ad targeting: United States

TikTok ad cost:: $5.93 - 23.76

United States TikTok cpm: $3.42

2062 Ad Impressions,5 Days,7 Popularity,2062 views,7 likes,0 comments,0 shares.


Gemini Medical Center

Display name:

Ad Text:

Call to action: إنشاء حساب جديد

Ad targeting: United Arab Emirates

TikTok ad cost:: $13.93 - 56.11

United Arab Emirates TikTok cpm: $0.74

18714 Ad Impressions,4 Days,39 Popularity,18714 views,37 likes,1 comments,1 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text:

Call to action: Scopri di più

Ad targeting: Malaysia

TikTok ad cost:: $18.22 - 73.41

Malaysia TikTok cpm: $0.71

25418 Ad Impressions,4 Days,54 Popularity,25418 views,54 likes,0 comments,0 shares.


Braces and Dental Splints

Display name:

Ad Text:

Call to action: Join today

Ad targeting: United States

TikTok ad cost:: $23.2 - 93.02

United States TikTok cpm: $3.42

6784 Ad Impressions,2 Days,5 Popularity,6784 views,5 likes,0 comments,0 shares.


Braces and Dental Splints

Display name:

Ad Text:

Call to action: Get job now

Ad targeting: Canada,United States

TikTok ad cost:: $0.18 - 0.73

Canada TikTok cpm: $1.75

United States TikTok cpm: $3.42

36 Ad Impressions,1 Days,0 Popularity,36 views,0 likes,0 comments,0 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text:

Call to action: Prenota ora

Ad targeting: Malaysia

TikTok ad cost:: $86.41 - 348.09

Malaysia TikTok cpm: $0.71

121367 Ad Impressions,6 Days,185 Popularity,121367 views,183 likes,0 comments,2 shares.

FYI:Pipiads is a TikTok adspy tool, we can provide TikTok ad example, convenient for you to view competitors' ads placement and find popular TikTok products.


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