桌布 Tik Tok ads

Published on August 18 2022 by Pipiads

Looking for some 桌布 Tik Tok ads ? You've come to the right place.

Updated on April 22 2024


Each week, we update this resource with the 桌布 Tik Tok ads, what they are, and how you can incorporate them into your strategy.

FYI:Pipiads is a TikTok adspy tool, we can provide TikTok ad example, convenient for you to view competitors' ads placement and find popular TikTok products.

桌布 Tik Tok ads: March 2024

桌布 Tik Tok ads: March 2024 Only 10 ads will be displayed, the names of these 10 ads are:

Funny emoji - custom my emojis,Funny emoji - custom my emojis,Funny emoji - custom my emojis,Funny emoji - custom my emojis,Funny emoji - custom my emojis,Funny emoji - custom my emojis,Funny emoji - custom my emojis,Funny emoji - custom my emojis,Funny emoji - custom my emojis,Funny emoji - custom my emojis.

They are sorted by top views and belong to the best results 桌布 Tik Tok ads: March 2024

The total number of days for these 10 ads:63734 Ad Impressions,32 Days,171 Popularity,63734 views,162 likes,9 comments,0 shares.

The countries they advertise contain: Taiwan,Indonesia


Funny emoji - custom my emojis

Display name:

Ad Text: 4K HD+桌布!立即安裝並免費享受更多樂趣!

Call to action: 玩遊戲

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $2.73 - 10.96

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

2878 Ad Impressions,2 Days,9 Popularity,2878 views,8 likes,1 comments,0 shares.


Funny emoji - custom my emojis

Display name:

Ad Text: 4K HD+桌布!立即安裝並免費享受更多樂趣!

Call to action: Pesan sekarang

Ad targeting: Indonesia

TikTok ad cost:: $0.26 - 1.05

Indonesia TikTok cpm: $0.41

548 Ad Impressions,1 Days,1 Popularity,548 views,1 likes,0 comments,0 shares.


Funny emoji - custom my emojis

Display name:

Ad Text: 4K HD+桌布!立即安裝並免費享受更多樂趣!

Call to action: 了解更多

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $7.67 - 30.82

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

9354 Ad Impressions,5 Days,34 Popularity,9354 views,33 likes,1 comments,0 shares.


Funny emoji - custom my emojis

Display name:

Ad Text: 4K HD+桌布!立即安裝並免費享受更多樂趣!

Call to action: 立即訂購

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $15.34 - 61.66

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

18707 Ad Impressions,5 Days,11 Popularity,18707 views,11 likes,0 comments,0 shares.


Funny emoji - custom my emojis

Display name:

Ad Text: 4K HD+桌布!立即安裝並免費享受更多樂趣!

Call to action: Mainkan game

Ad targeting: Indonesia,Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $1.24 - 4.97

Indonesia TikTok cpm: $0.41

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

1363 Ad Impressions,3 Days,1 Popularity,1363 views,1 likes,0 comments,0 shares.


Funny emoji - custom my emojis

Display name:

Ad Text: 4K HD+桌布!立即安裝並免費享受更多樂趣!

Call to action: Coba sekarang

Ad targeting: Indonesia

TikTok ad cost:: $0.04 - 0.17

Indonesia TikTok cpm: $0.41

10 Ad Impressions,1 Days,0 Popularity,10 views,0 likes,0 comments,0 shares.


Funny emoji - custom my emojis

Display name:

Ad Text: 4K HD+桌布!立即安裝並免費享受更多樂趣!

Call to action: 玩遊戲

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $1.35 - 5.41

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

877 Ad Impressions,2 Days,2 Popularity,877 views,2 likes,0 comments,0 shares.


Funny emoji - custom my emojis

Display name:

Ad Text: 4K HD+桌布!立即安裝並免費享受更多樂趣!

Call to action: 訂閱

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $0.7 - 2.79

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

567 Ad Impressions,2 Days,0 Popularity,567 views,0 likes,0 comments,0 shares.


Funny emoji - custom my emojis

Display name:

Ad Text: 4K HD+桌布!立即安裝並免費享受更多樂趣!

Call to action: 玩遊戲

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $20.23 - 81.3

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

24645 Ad Impressions,6 Days,105 Popularity,24645 views,98 likes,7 comments,0 shares.


Funny emoji - custom my emojis

Display name:

Ad Text: 4K HD+桌布!立即安裝並免費享受更多樂趣!

Call to action: 訂閱

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $6.41 - 25.65

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

4785 Ad Impressions,5 Days,8 Popularity,4785 views,8 likes,0 comments,0 shares.

桌布 Tik Tok ads: February 2024

桌布 Tik Tok ads: February 2024 Only 10 ads will be displayed, the names of these 10 ads are:


They are sorted by top views and belong to the best results 桌布 Tik Tok ads: February 2024

The total number of days for these 10 ads:1679440 Ad Impressions,49 Days,3478 Popularity,1679440 views,3189 likes,28 comments,261 shares.

The countries they advertise contain: Japan,Taiwan,Malaysia,United Arab Emirates,Korea,Indonesia



Display name:

Ad Text: 防水防油污耐髒桌布,0甲醛無甲苯!守護三餐四季!

Call to action: 了解更多

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $0.94 - 3.78

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

537 Ad Impressions,1 Days,0 Popularity,537 views,0 likes,0 comments,0 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: 防水防油污耐髒桌布,0甲醛無甲苯!守護三餐四季!

Call to action: 感興趣

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $0.79 - 3.17

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

637 Ad Impressions,2 Days,1 Popularity,637 views,1 likes,0 comments,0 shares.



Display name:
火爆熱賣中,廠家直發,20000+人回購🔥🔥🔥 https://www.tiktok.com/search?q=火爆熱賣中,廠家直發,20000+人回購🔥🔥🔥

Ad Text: 防水防油污耐髒桌布 0甲醛無甲苯 防燙耐高溫 防刮耐磨樸素簡約 高性價比 防水抗油污 清潔省時省力

Call to action: العرض الآن

Ad targeting: United Arab Emirates,Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $1.26 - 5.07

United Arab Emirates TikTok cpm: $0.74

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

1264 Ad Impressions,3 Days,4 Popularity,1264 views,3 likes,0 comments,1 shares.



Ad Text: 林口|辛韓道 《林口韓式料理 聚餐首選!》 今天來到林口昕境廣場的辛韓道 這裡空間超大 環境很舒服 很適合大學生考完試來聚餐 六種韓式小菜吃到飽超划算 大家可以無限拿自己愛的小菜 另外他們的蜂蜜柚子冰沙 意外的很好喝!不會太甜很推~ 這次體驗的這個 春享雞大韓宴—2388💰 裡面有海鮮部隊鍋、石鍋拌飯 炸醬麵、海鮮煎餅、辣炒年糕 炸春雞、起司瀑布、特調飲料 田園鄉村沙拉+香蕉口味冰淇淋 整體菜色很豐富 我們三個人吃下來蠻飽的 吃完飯還有免費韓服可以體驗 另外!在3/31前只要點 套餐「春享雞大韓宴」 並出示我的這支影片 就可以兌換兩隻韓式炸棒腿 (一桌限兌換一份) 有來的朋友不要忘記歐!! 📌 林口辛韓道 📍 新北市林口區文化三路一段402巷2號3樓 🕰️ 11:30-15:30/17:30-22:00 🚆 機捷A9林口站騎車10分鐘 - #辛韓道 #林口美食 #林口聚餐

Call to action: 立即購買

Ad targeting: Taiwan,Korea,Japan,Indonesia

TikTok ad cost:: $1172.84 - 4706.74

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

Korea TikTok cpm: $3

Japan TikTok cpm: $2.17

Indonesia TikTok cpm: $0.41

1231186 Ad Impressions,30 Days,3046 Popularity,1231186 views,2808 likes,16 comments,222 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: 2024年超火的iPhone主題,快跟我設定起來吧~

Call to action: Instal sekarang

Ad targeting: Indonesia,Taiwan,United Arab Emirates,Malaysia

TikTok ad cost:: $234.14 - 941.88

Indonesia TikTok cpm: $0.41

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

United Arab Emirates TikTok cpm: $0.74

Malaysia TikTok cpm: $0.71

378817 Ad Impressions,10 Days,312 Popularity,378817 views,271 likes,9 comments,32 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: 2024年超火的iPhone主題,快跟我設定起來吧~

Call to action: Instal sekarang

Ad targeting: Indonesia

TikTok ad cost:: $53.2 - 213.92

Indonesia TikTok cpm: $0.41

66999 Ad Impressions,3 Days,115 Popularity,66999 views,106 likes,3 comments,6 shares.

桌布 Tik Tok ads: January 2024

桌布 Tik Tok ads: January 2024 Only 10 ads will be displayed, the names of these 10 ads are:

iScreen:主題、桌布和萬用小工具,年底清倉 賠錢甩賣,SHOP SALE,瑪莎 の生活優選,安心全球購-質量保證,安心全球購-質量保證,Na ⺣̤̬ ིྀ.

They are sorted by top views and belong to the best results 桌布 Tik Tok ads: January 2024

The total number of days for these 10 ads:645219 Ad Impressions,67 Days,8119 Popularity,645219 views,7712 likes,175 comments,232 shares.

The countries they advertise contain: Taiwan,Malaysia,Korea



Display name:

Ad Text: 為您的手機設定專屬小工具和主題!

Call to action: Pasang sekarang

Ad targeting: Malaysia

TikTok ad cost:: $73.3 - 293.98

Malaysia TikTok cpm: $0.71

75567 Ad Impressions,3 Days,108 Popularity,75567 views,101 likes,2 comments,5 shares.


年底清倉 賠錢甩賣

Display name:

Ad Text: 防水防油防塵桌布、不用費力擦桌子、老婆誇我買的好

Call to action: 感興趣

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $9.54 - 38.18

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

7634 Ad Impressions,2 Days,20 Popularity,7634 views,20 likes,0 comments,0 shares.



Ad Text: 【防水防油防污】免洗新年桌布 桌布見證團圓,分享美食,充滿「愛」與歡樂!

Call to action: 立即查看

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $0.75 - 3.01

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

502 Ad Impressions,1 Days,2 Popularity,502 views,2 likes,0 comments,0 shares.


瑪莎 の生活優選

Display name:

Ad Text: 代替抹布 免手洗桌面/破璃/地面/廚房/汽車

Call to action: 立即購買

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $2.45 - 9.81

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

1964 Ad Impressions,2 Days,3 Popularity,1964 views,3 likes,0 comments,0 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: 免洗新年桌布的高級喜慶桌布,不僅方便清潔,而且採用獨特環保材質,柔軟親膚無異味。

Call to action: 立即查看

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $0.31 - 1.25

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

255 Ad Impressions,2 Days,1 Popularity,255 views,1 likes,0 comments,0 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: 免洗新年桌布的高級喜慶桌布,不僅方便清潔,而且採用獨特環保材質,柔軟親膚無異味。

Call to action: 立即購買

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $4.54 - 18.18

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

3695 Ad Impressions,2 Days,7 Popularity,3695 views,7 likes,0 comments,0 shares.


Na ⺣̤̬ ིྀ

Ad Text: 有模板可以使用真的方便很多 分享給你們🙋🏻‍♀️💖 #ios17 #iphoneonly #手機桌布 #鎖屏 #桌布 #米克鎖屏 #模板 #分享 #推薦 #fyp #教學 #na的不專業教學

Call to action: 다운로드

Ad targeting: Korea

TikTok ad cost:: $448.29 - 1800.57

Korea TikTok cpm: $3

555602 Ad Impressions,55 Days,7978 Popularity,555602 views,7578 likes,173 comments,227 shares.

桌布 Tik Tok ads: December 2023

桌布 Tik Tok ads: December 2023 Only 10 ads will be displayed, the names of these 10 ads are:

Joy-Live Wallpaper Maker HD,Live Wallpaper Light,Live Wallpaper Light,Joy-Live Wallpaper Maker HD,Na ⺣̤̬ ིྀ,Live Wallpaper Light,Live Wallpaper Light,超實用納米萬能無痕雙面膠 強力粘貼無殘膠,超實用納米萬能無痕雙面膠 強力粘貼無殘膠,工廠直銷,全年最低價出售7天無理由退換🔥.

They are sorted by top views and belong to the best results 桌布 Tik Tok ads: December 2023

The total number of days for these 10 ads:187654 Ad Impressions,52 Days,764 Popularity,187654 views,723 likes,22 comments,19 shares.

The countries they advertise contain: Canada,Taiwan,Malaysia,United Arab Emirates


Joy-Live Wallpaper Maker HD

Display name:

Ad Text: 免費動態桌布!現在試試看!

Call to action: تنزيل

Ad targeting: United Arab Emirates

TikTok ad cost:: $8.64 - 34.8

United Arab Emirates TikTok cpm: $0.74

11314 Ad Impressions,7 Days,19 Popularity,11314 views,18 likes,0 comments,1 shares.


Live Wallpaper Light

Display name:

Ad Text: 高清動態桌布和4K壁紙

Call to action: تنزيل

Ad targeting: United Arab Emirates

TikTok ad cost:: $8.06 - 32.44

United Arab Emirates TikTok cpm: $0.74

10881 Ad Impressions,4 Days,15 Popularity,10881 views,15 likes,0 comments,0 shares.


Live Wallpaper Light

Display name:

Ad Text: 高清動態桌布和4K壁紙

Call to action: تنزيل

Ad targeting: United Arab Emirates

TikTok ad cost:: $14.17 - 57.08

United Arab Emirates TikTok cpm: $0.74

19098 Ad Impressions,4 Days,40 Popularity,19098 views,40 likes,0 comments,0 shares.


Joy-Live Wallpaper Maker HD

Display name:

Ad Text: 免費動態桌布!現在試試看!

Call to action: تنزيل

Ad targeting: United Arab Emirates

TikTok ad cost:: $1.35 - 5.42

United Arab Emirates TikTok cpm: $0.74

1818 Ad Impressions,3 Days,1 Popularity,1818 views,0 likes,0 comments,1 shares.


Na ⺣̤̬ ིྀ

Ad Text: 分享聖誕桌面 超可愛🎅🏻🎄 換了一種拍攝方式 大家喜歡嗎 留言告訴我 給我意見🥹💖 #聖誕 #聖誕桌布 #桌面 #鎖屏 #米克鎖屏 #na的不專業教學 #分享 #推薦 #fyp

Call to action: تنزيل

Ad targeting: United Arab Emirates

TikTok ad cost:: $118.08 - 473.76

United Arab Emirates TikTok cpm: $0.74

94755 Ad Impressions,14 Days,600 Popularity,94755 views,562 likes,22 comments,16 shares.


Live Wallpaper Light

Display name:

Ad Text: 高清動態桌布和4K壁紙

Call to action: 立即下載

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $14.34 - 57.35

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

11656 Ad Impressions,3 Days,29 Popularity,11656 views,29 likes,0 comments,0 shares.


Live Wallpaper Light

Display name:

Ad Text: 高清動態桌布和4K壁紙

Call to action: Download

Ad targeting: Canada

TikTok ad cost:: $39.09 - 156.58

Canada TikTok cpm: $1.75

22329 Ad Impressions,6 Days,32 Popularity,22329 views,31 likes,0 comments,1 shares.


超實用納米萬能無痕雙面膠 強力粘貼無殘膠

Display name:

Ad Text: 強力高粘度,魔力透明膠,超強固定貼萬用水洗,粘貼牢固不留痕,家裡的掛畫/插排/路由器/桌布/地墊 輕鬆上墻

Call to action: 聯絡我們

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $3.15 - 12.64

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

3103 Ad Impressions,3 Days,6 Popularity,3103 views,6 likes,0 comments,0 shares.


超實用納米萬能無痕雙面膠 強力粘貼無殘膠

Display name:

Ad Text: 強力高粘度,魔力透明膠,超強固定貼萬用水洗,粘貼牢固不留痕,家裡的掛畫/插排/路由器/桌布/地墊 輕鬆上墻

Call to action: Hubungi kami

Ad targeting: Malaysia

TikTok ad cost:: $11.91 - 47.79

Malaysia TikTok cpm: $0.71

7795 Ad Impressions,2 Days,9 Popularity,7795 views,9 likes,0 comments,0 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: 時尚簡約,免洗一抹即淨,防水防污,防燙耐磨,有品位的人都在用這款蕾絲桌布,好看又實用。

Call to action: 了解更多

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $6.08 - 24.32

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

4905 Ad Impressions,6 Days,13 Popularity,4905 views,13 likes,0 comments,0 shares.

桌布 Tik Tok ads: November 2023

桌布 Tik Tok ads: November 2023 Only 10 ads will be displayed, the names of these 10 ads are:

Joy-Live Wallpaper Maker HD,Live Wallpaper Light,Live Wallpaper Light,Joy-Live Wallpaper Maker HD,Live Wallpaper Light,Joy-Live Wallpaper Maker HD,Live Wallpaper Light,Live Wallpaper Light,Joy-Live Wallpaper Maker HD,POJUN 波軍.

They are sorted by top views and belong to the best results 桌布 Tik Tok ads: November 2023

The total number of days for these 10 ads:197363 Ad Impressions,45 Days,493 Popularity,197363 views,470 likes,1 comments,22 shares.

The countries they advertise contain: Japan,Taiwan,Korea


Joy-Live Wallpaper Maker HD

Display name:

Ad Text: 免費動態桌布!現在試試看!

Call to action: 立即下載

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $11.16 - 44.63

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

8976 Ad Impressions,2 Days,13 Popularity,8976 views,12 likes,0 comments,1 shares.


Live Wallpaper Light

Display name:

Ad Text: 高清動態桌布和4K壁紙

Call to action: 立即下載

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $111.12 - 444.5

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

90083 Ad Impressions,1 Days,128 Popularity,90083 views,119 likes,0 comments,9 shares.


Live Wallpaper Light

Display name:

Ad Text: 高清動態桌布和4K壁紙

Call to action: 立即下載

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $6.2 - 24.8

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

4744 Ad Impressions,2 Days,11 Popularity,4744 views,7 likes,0 comments,4 shares.


Joy-Live Wallpaper Maker HD

Display name:

Ad Text: 免費動態桌布!現在試試看!

Call to action: 立即下載

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $6.84 - 27.37

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

5164 Ad Impressions,1 Days,1 Popularity,5164 views,1 likes,0 comments,0 shares.


Live Wallpaper Light

Display name:

Ad Text: 高清動態桌布和4K壁紙

Call to action: ダウンロード

Ad targeting: Japan

TikTok ad cost:: $37.87 - 151.84

Japan TikTok cpm: $2.17

17360 Ad Impressions,4 Days,26 Popularity,17360 views,24 likes,0 comments,2 shares.


Joy-Live Wallpaper Maker HD

Display name:

Ad Text: 免費動態桌布!現在試試看!

Call to action: 立即下載

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $2.46 - 9.83

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

1998 Ad Impressions,3 Days,8 Popularity,1998 views,8 likes,0 comments,0 shares.


Live Wallpaper Light

Display name:

Ad Text: 高清動態桌布和4K壁紙

Call to action: 다운로드

Ad targeting: Korea

TikTok ad cost:: $3

Korea TikTok cpm: $3

11030 Ad Impressions,14 Days,21 Popularity,11030 views,20 likes,1 comments,0 shares.


Live Wallpaper Light

Display name:

Ad Text: 高清動態桌布和4K壁紙

Call to action: 立即下載

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $6.91 - 27.65

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

5572 Ad Impressions,2 Days,9 Popularity,5572 views,9 likes,0 comments,0 shares.


Joy-Live Wallpaper Maker HD

Display name:

Ad Text: 免費動態桌布!現在試試看!

Call to action: 立即下載

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $34.58 - 138.34

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

27910 Ad Impressions,15 Days,60 Popularity,27910 views,60 likes,0 comments,0 shares.



Ad Text: POJUN PQ01 無線機械鍵盤 PQ系列以"生活x場景"兩個元素來設計。 PQ01分別為"星空"、"雪地"及"水晶"三種場景來呈現,不只是產品外型,連包裝內部都呈現出沉浸式的場景體驗。 重點特色介紹: 三模連接:2.4G+5.0藍芽+有線。4000MAH大容量 星空/雪地鍵帽:熱昇華布丁PBT鍵帽,水晶鍵帽:PC高耐磨極透鍵帽 音量旋轉鈕+LOGO:金屬磨砂材質 內膽配置:PORON夾心棉+IXPE軸下墊+PET聲優墊+四邊封壓克力膠+底矽膠 衛星軸:精調衛星軸&空白鍵矽膠封底 GASKET結構:按壓更軟Q,聲音更悅耳 接受器:底部下蓋式磁吸接受器 熱插拔底部:支援PIN3、PIN5腳其他家軸體 程式編輯:1680萬種燈光顏色調整&巨集編輯 音樂: Empty Mind 音樂家: Lofi_hour 網址: https://pixabay.com/music/empty-mind-118973/ #fyp #我要上推薦 #setup #桌面 #鍵盤 #pojun #PQ01

Call to action: 立即查看

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $30.17 - 120.67

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

24526 Ad Impressions,1 Days,216 Popularity,24526 views,210 likes,0 comments,6 shares.

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