Tik Tok 腰包 advertising

Published on August 18 2022 by Pipiads

Looking for some Tik Tok 腰包 advertising ? You've come to the right place.

Updated on April 22 2024


Each week, we update this resource with the Tik Tok 腰包 advertising, what they are, and how you can incorporate them into your strategy.

FYI:Pipiads is a TikTok adspy tool, we can provide TikTok ad example, convenient for you to view competitors' ads placement and find popular TikTok products.

Tik Tok 腰包 advertising: April 2024

Tik Tok 腰包 advertising: April 2024 Only 10 ads will be displayed, the names of these 10 ads are:


They are sorted by top views and belong to the best results Tik Tok 腰包 advertising: April 2024

The total number of days for these 10 ads:29555 Ad Impressions,11 Days,150 Popularity,29555 views,147 likes,0 comments,3 shares.

The countries they advertise contain: Singapore,Taiwan



Display name:

Ad Text: 防盜隱形腰包,出門旅行,戶外運動,帶一個很方便

Call to action: 閱讀更多

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $2.58 - 10.32

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

2062 Ad Impressions,1 Days,6 Popularity,2062 views,6 likes,0 comments,0 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: 2024新款夏季高腰牛仔半身裙修身顯瘦A字包臀短裙

Call to action: 立即申請

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $23.74 - 94.98

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

19302 Ad Impressions,4 Days,41 Popularity,19302 views,39 likes,0 comments,2 shares.



Display name:
💥腰部腿部不好就用它!!用了它就是好!! https://www.tiktok.com/search?q=💥腰部腿部不好就用它!!用了它就是好!!

Ad Text: 腰部腿部不好就用它!!每天100次,用了它包管好!!

Call to action: 立即查看

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $8.06 - 32.26

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

6154 Ad Impressions,1 Days,91 Popularity,6154 views,91 likes,0 comments,0 shares.



Ad Text: 多功能运动腰包。体积小,容量大。手机、钥匙、零钱、银行卡等一包解决。

Call to action: Book now

Ad targeting: Singapore

TikTok ad cost:: $2.75 - 11.05

Singapore TikTok cpm: $1.65

1478 Ad Impressions,3 Days,9 Popularity,1478 views,8 likes,0 comments,1 shares.



Ad Text: 多功能运动腰包。体积小,容量大。手机、钥匙、零钱、银行卡等一包解决。

Call to action: Book now

Ad targeting: Singapore

TikTok ad cost:: $0.92 - 3.71

Singapore TikTok cpm: $1.65

559 Ad Impressions,2 Days,3 Popularity,559 views,3 likes,0 comments,0 shares.

Tik Tok 腰包 advertising: March 2024

Tik Tok 腰包 advertising: March 2024 Only 10 ads will be displayed, the names of these 10 ads are:

74street,在庫残りは50点のみ、80% OFFオフ販売中,在庫残りは50点のみ、80% OFFオフ販売中,統一時代百貨(台北店),統一時代百貨(台北店),統一時代百貨(台北店),yvonnechua,統一時代百貨(台北店).

They are sorted by top views and belong to the best results Tik Tok 腰包 advertising: March 2024

The total number of days for these 10 ads:650231 Ad Impressions,42 Days,1210 Popularity,650231 views,1162 likes,10 comments,38 shares.

The countries they advertise contain: Japan,Taiwan,Malaysia,Indonesia



Ad Text: TUTUBAG 騎士防水單肩包 IP7X防水等級 三點式固定 左右可調單肩背法 可加裝腰帶 商品連結:https://www.74street.com.tw/product/tutubag/ #74STREET #TUTUBAG #騎士街

Call to action: 立即購買

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $59.5 - 238.0

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

48361 Ad Impressions,3 Days,39 Popularity,48361 views,38 likes,1 comments,0 shares.


在庫残りは50点のみ、80% OFFオフ販売中

Display name:

Ad Text: 人間工学に基づいた、S字型デザイン、36D腰をすっぽり包み込む、首・肩乙りを軽減、体をリラックスさせる

Call to action: 詳細を見る

Ad targeting: Japan

TikTok ad cost:: $8.88 - 35.61

Japan TikTok cpm: $2.17

3763 Ad Impressions,4 Days,12 Popularity,3763 views,12 likes,0 comments,0 shares.


在庫残りは50点のみ、80% OFFオフ販売中

Display name:

Ad Text: 人間工学に基づいた、S字型デザイン、36D腰をすっぽり包み込む、首・肩乙りを軽減、体をリラックスさせる

Call to action: 詳細を見る

Ad targeting: Japan

TikTok ad cost:: $19.74 - 79.16

Japan TikTok cpm: $2.17

9097 Ad Impressions,6 Days,30 Popularity,9097 views,30 likes,0 comments,0 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: 【日本奈米科技】高倍抑菌酸堿平衡乳酸褲,貼身不摩擦,減少異味,透氣性強,植物萃取纖維給您3A級別的貼身呵護!更有高低腰可選!#內褲 #內衣 #貼身衣物 #台灣 #好物分享 #優惠 #私處 #月經 #折扣 #包郵

Call to action: 立即訂購

Ad targeting: Taiwan,Indonesia

TikTok ad cost:: $0.98 - 3.96

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

Indonesia TikTok cpm: $0.41

1152 Ad Impressions,5 Days,11 Popularity,1152 views,10 likes,0 comments,1 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: 【日本奈米科技】高倍抑菌酸堿平衡乳酸褲,貼身不摩擦,減少異味,透氣性強,植物萃取纖維給您3A級別的貼身呵護!更有高低腰可選!#內褲 #內衣 #貼身衣物 #台灣 #好物分享 #優惠 #私處 #月經 #折扣 #包郵 #女人我最大

Call to action: 立即訂購

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $3.68 - 14.72

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

2793 Ad Impressions,5 Days,10 Popularity,2793 views,9 likes,0 comments,1 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: 【日本奈米科技】高倍抑菌酸堿平衡乳酸褲,貼身不摩擦,減少異味,透氣性強,植物萃取纖維給您3A級別的貼身呵護!更有高低腰可選!#內褲 #內衣 #貼身衣物 #台灣 #好物分享 #優惠 #私處 #月經 #折扣 #包郵

Call to action: 立即訂購

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $1.0 - 4.01

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

702 Ad Impressions,1 Days,3 Popularity,702 views,3 likes,0 comments,0 shares.



Ad Text: 这里有Neverland吗💜🩷 韩国女团(G)I-DLE代言品牌 Rexona 全新推出的Rexona Vitamin Bright系列的止汗露和腋下喷雾正式售卖啦! 可在4天内做到让腋下肌肤变得白皙,含有复合抗氧化剂Vitamin B3,C和E,防止尴尬情况出现的同时还可以美白腋下 偷偷告诉你们,现在到Watsons实体店或网上购买Rexona的产品即可获得Rexona x (G)-IDLE 的周边商品!🤩 🩷•店内购买满RM20,即可获赠(G)I-DLE 小卡一套! 💜•网上购物满RM40,即可获赠(G)-IDLE 腰包+小卡套装! 别等啦,粉丝朋友们 赶紧冲!💪🏼 @Rexona Malaysia @Watsons Malaysia #GLOWFORIT #REXONAMY #GIDLE

Call to action: Beli sekarang

Ad targeting: Malaysia

TikTok ad cost:: $409.62 - 1650.0

Malaysia TikTok cpm: $0.71

576863 Ad Impressions,9 Days,1085 Popularity,576863 views,1042 likes,9 comments,34 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: 【日本奈米科技】高倍抑菌酸堿平衡乳酸褲,貼身不摩擦,減少異味,透氣性強,植物萃取纖維給您3A級別的貼身呵護!更有高低腰可選!#內褲 #內衣 #貼身衣物 #台灣 #好物分享 #優惠 #私處 #月經 #折扣 #包郵

Call to action: 立即訂購

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $6.39 - 25.66

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

7500 Ad Impressions,9 Days,20 Popularity,7500 views,18 likes,0 comments,2 shares.

Tik Tok 腰包 advertising: February 2024

Tik Tok 腰包 advertising: February 2024 Only 10 ads will be displayed, the names of these 10 ads are:

在庫残りは50点のみ、80% OFFオフ販売中,在庫残りは50点のみ、80% OFFオフ販売中,在庫残りは50点のみ、80% OFFオフ販売中,在庫残りは50点のみ、80% OFFオフ販売中,在庫残りは50点のみ、80% OFFオフ販売中,在庫残りは50点のみ、80% OFFオフ販売中,在庫残りは50点のみ、80% OFFオフ販売中,在庫残りは50点のみ、80% OFFオフ販売中,在庫残りは50点のみ、80% OFFオフ販売中,在庫残りは50点のみ、80% OFFオフ販売中.

They are sorted by top views and belong to the best results Tik Tok 腰包 advertising: February 2024

The total number of days for these 10 ads:20843 Ad Impressions,26 Days,89 Popularity,20843 views,89 likes,0 comments,0 shares.

The countries they advertise contain: Japan


在庫残りは50点のみ、80% OFFオフ販売中

Display name:

Ad Text: 人間工学に基づいた、S字型デザイン、36D腰をすっぽり包み込む、首・肩乙りを軽減、体をリラックスさせる

Call to action: 詳細を見る

Ad targeting: Japan

TikTok ad cost:: $3.57 - 14.31

Japan TikTok cpm: $2.17

1587 Ad Impressions,3 Days,1 Popularity,1587 views,1 likes,0 comments,0 shares.


在庫残りは50点のみ、80% OFFオフ販売中

Display name:

Ad Text: 人間工学に基づいた、S字型デザイン、36D腰をすっぽり包み込む、首・肩乙りを軽減、体をリラックスさせる

Call to action: 詳細を見る

Ad targeting: Japan

TikTok ad cost:: $4.17 - 16.71

Japan TikTok cpm: $2.17

1711 Ad Impressions,2 Days,14 Popularity,1711 views,14 likes,0 comments,0 shares.


在庫残りは50点のみ、80% OFFオフ販売中

Display name:

Ad Text: 人間工学に基づいた、S字型デザイン、36D腰をすっぽり包み込む、首・肩乙りを軽減、体をリラックスさせる

Call to action: 詳細を見る

Ad targeting: Japan

TikTok ad cost:: $3.08 - 12.36

Japan TikTok cpm: $2.17

1421 Ad Impressions,2 Days,6 Popularity,1421 views,6 likes,0 comments,0 shares.


在庫残りは50点のみ、80% OFFオフ販売中

Display name:

Ad Text: 人間工学に基づいた、S字型デザイン、36D腰をすっぽり包み込む、首・肩乙りを軽減、体をリラックスさせる

Call to action: 詳細を見る

Ad targeting: Japan

TikTok ad cost:: $7.45 - 29.88

Japan TikTok cpm: $2.17

3374 Ad Impressions,5 Days,12 Popularity,3374 views,12 likes,0 comments,0 shares.


在庫残りは50点のみ、80% OFFオフ販売中

Display name:

Ad Text: 人間工学に基づいた、S字型デザイン、36D腰をすっぽり包み込む、首・肩乙りを軽減、体をリラックスさせる

Call to action: 詳細を見る

Ad targeting: Japan

TikTok ad cost:: $9.4 - 37.69

Japan TikTok cpm: $2.17

4283 Ad Impressions,3 Days,17 Popularity,4283 views,17 likes,0 comments,0 shares.


在庫残りは50点のみ、80% OFFオフ販売中

Display name:

Ad Text: 人間工学に基づいた、S字型デザイン、36D腰をすっぽり包み込む、首・肩乙りを軽減、体をリラックスさせる

Call to action: 詳細を見る

Ad targeting: Japan

TikTok ad cost:: $4.16 - 16.66

Japan TikTok cpm: $2.17

1634 Ad Impressions,3 Days,13 Popularity,1634 views,13 likes,0 comments,0 shares.


在庫残りは50点のみ、80% OFFオフ販売中

Display name:

Ad Text: 人間工学に基づいた、S字型デザイン、36D腰をすっぽり包み込む、首・肩乙りを軽減、体をリラックスさせる

Call to action: 詳細を見る

Ad targeting: Japan

TikTok ad cost:: $2.28 - 9.13

Japan TikTok cpm: $2.17

856 Ad Impressions,1 Days,4 Popularity,856 views,4 likes,0 comments,0 shares.


在庫残りは50点のみ、80% OFFオフ販売中

Display name:

Ad Text: 人間工学に基づいた、S字型デザイン、36D腰をすっぽり包み込む、首・肩乙りを軽減、体をリラックスさせる

Call to action: 詳細を見る

Ad targeting: Japan

TikTok ad cost:: $9.58 - 38.43

Japan TikTok cpm: $2.17

4357 Ad Impressions,2 Days,16 Popularity,4357 views,16 likes,0 comments,0 shares.


在庫残りは50点のみ、80% OFFオフ販売中

Display name:

Ad Text: 人間工学に基づいた、S字型デザイン、36D腰をすっぽり包み込む、首・肩乙りを軽減、体をリラックスさせる

Call to action: 詳細を見る

Ad targeting: Japan

TikTok ad cost:: $0.19 - 0.75

Japan TikTok cpm: $2.17

49 Ad Impressions,1 Days,0 Popularity,49 views,0 likes,0 comments,0 shares.


在庫残りは50点のみ、80% OFFオフ販売中

Display name:

Ad Text: 人間工学に基づいた、S字型デザイン、36D腰をすっぽり包み込む、首・肩乙りを軽減、体をリラックスさせる

Call to action: 詳細を見る

Ad targeting: Japan

TikTok ad cost:: $4.33 - 17.37

Japan TikTok cpm: $2.17

1571 Ad Impressions,4 Days,6 Popularity,1571 views,6 likes,0 comments,0 shares.

Tik Tok 腰包 advertising: January 2024

Tik Tok 腰包 advertising: January 2024 Only 10 ads will be displayed, the names of these 10 ads are:

最後の2時間「半額」!,多功能手機腰包,最後の2時間「半額」!,最後の2時間「半額」!, 隱形魔術貼多功能運動腰包,Boutique小鋪,Boutique小鋪,零食王-潮哥(臻御行),Royal Club Spa.

They are sorted by top views and belong to the best results Tik Tok 腰包 advertising: January 2024

The total number of days for these 10 ads:145708 Ad Impressions,41 Days,2179 Popularity,145708 views,2074 likes,47 comments,58 shares.

The countries they advertise contain: Singapore,Japan,Taiwan



Display name:

Ad Text: 人間工学に基づいた、S字型デザイン、36D腰をすっぽり包み込む、首・肩乙りを軽減、体をリラックスさせる

Call to action: 詳細を見る

Ad targeting: Japan

TikTok ad cost:: $8.4 - 33.67

Japan TikTok cpm: $2.17

3710 Ad Impressions,5 Days,22 Popularity,3710 views,22 likes,0 comments,0 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: 可穿腰帶 便捷出行

Call to action: 了解更多

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $0.45 - 1.78

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

45 Ad Impressions,1 Days,0 Popularity,45 views,0 likes,0 comments,0 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: 人間工学に基づいた、S字型デザイン、36D腰をすっぽり包み込む、首・肩乙りを軽減、体をリラックスさせる

Call to action: 詳細を見る

Ad targeting: Japan

TikTok ad cost:: $2.67 - 10.71

Japan TikTok cpm: $2.17

967 Ad Impressions,3 Days,12 Popularity,967 views,12 likes,0 comments,0 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: 人間工学に基づいた、S字型デザイン、36D腰をすっぽり包み込む、首・肩乙りを軽減、体をリラックスさせる

Call to action: 詳細を見る

Ad targeting: Japan

TikTok ad cost:: $14.05 - 56.32

Japan TikTok cpm: $2.17

6081 Ad Impressions,4 Days,6 Popularity,6081 views,6 likes,0 comments,0 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: 推荐一款方便穿戴的腰包,魔術貼設計,鬆緊可調,可放水壺、手機、鑰匙、毛巾……

Call to action: 立即訂購

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $3.96 - 15.82

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

3200 Ad Impressions,2 Days,0 Popularity,3200 views,0 likes,0 comments,0 shares.



Ad Text: 2024年新款冬季水泥灰高腰牛仔褲,顯瘦寛松,包容性好,不挑腿型~

Call to action: 查詢價格

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $45.5 - 181.99

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

36584 Ad Impressions,7 Days,636 Popularity,36584 views,619 likes,13 comments,4 shares.



Ad Text: 2024年新款冬季水泥灰高腰牛仔褲,顯瘦寛松,包容性好,不挑腿型~

Call to action: 立即訂購

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $60.34 - 241.37

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

48856 Ad Impressions,7 Days,709 Popularity,48856 views,668 likes,29 comments,12 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: 原味綜合堅果隨手包 #堅果 #原味堅果 #低溫烘焙堅果 #綜合堅果 #臻御行堅果 #夏威夷豆 #腰果 #杏仁 #核桃 #胡桃 #榛果 #南瓜子 #堅果禮盒 #伴手禮 #果乾 #芭樂乾 #紅心芭樂乾 #愛文芒果乾 #蔬果脆片 #花生 #芝麻糕 #蜜餞 #古早味零食 #零食 #雪花餅 #蛋捲 #小魚乾 #花生 #魷魚條 #素食 #豆乾 #蠶豆 #橄欖 #梅子 #肉乾 #日本零食 #茶梅

Call to action: 立即購買

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $39.19 - 156.77

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

31539 Ad Impressions,6 Days,694 Popularity,31539 views,679 likes,4 comments,11 shares.


Royal Club Spa

Ad Text: 🌟 Special New Year 4-in-1 Beauty Wellness Package - Now Only $138 NETT! 🌟 📍 Location: Furama Riverfront Hotel, 407 Havelock Road, Level 2 Annex @Furama, Singapore 169634 📅 Book Now Without Any Upfront Payment! Secure Your Spot Effortlessly: 🔗 Book Online: www.royalclubspa.sg 🌿 Experience the Magic of Our Treatments: 🌟 Tightening and Shaping: Enhance tissue elasticity, promote blood circulation, and support tissue regeneration. 紧致塑形 - 提高组织弹性、促进血液循环、支持组织再生。 💪 Relieve Muscle Tension: Say goodbye to chronic stiffness and pain. 缓解肌肉紧张和疼痛 - 对于慢性肌肉僵硬或疼痛有益。 ⚡ Boost Your Metabolism: Improve energy utilization and waste removal for a healthier you. 提高新陈代谢 - 改善能量利用和废物排除。 💖 Heart Health: Lower blood lipids and protect your blood vessels. 降血脂、保护血管 - 有助于心脏健康。 🔥 Promotion Package 1 - Only $138 NETT (U.P $398): Body Sculpting Treatment (Choose from Shoulder & Neck/Waist & Hips/Legs) 龙脑精油+推拿+雕刻仪(肩颈/腰臀/腿 三选一) Borneol Essential Oil Massage 活血化瘀 - 增强静脉和淋巴回流。 Meridian Unblocking Therapy 经络疏通理疗 🎁 FREE 24 Hours Spa Pass & Buffet Worth $88 包括 24小时SPA门票和自助餐 Total Duration: 45 Mins 🔥 Promotion Package 2 - Just $188 NETT (U.P $468): ITB Deep Source Heat Therapy (Choose from Shoulder & Neck/Waist & Hips/Legs) 健康大师(肩颈/腰臀/腿三选一) Facial BOJIN (Cleansing, Exfoliation, Hydration, Moisturizing) 面部拨筋(包含清洁·去角质·补水·滋润) 🎁 FREE 24 Hours Spa Pass & Buffet Worth $88 包括 24小时SPA门票和自助餐 Total Duration: 60 Mins 🔥 Promotion Package 3 - Amazing $149 NETT (U.P $249): YANGZHOU BODY BATH RUB 扬州搓澡 Mud Rub Treasure 搓泥宝 Sulfur Treatment 硫磺 Back Beating Therapy 敲背 🎁 FREE 24 Hours Spa Admission & Buffet 包括 24小时SPA门票和自助餐 Total Duration: 40 Mins 📅 Book Now Without Any Upfront Payment! Secure Your Spot Effortlessly: 🔗 Book Online: www.royalclubspa.sg 📞 Call Us: 80384920 / 65399698 ✨ Embark on a journey of relaxation, rejuvenation, and wellness at Royal Club Spa! Your ultimate spa experience awaits! ✨

Call to action: Book now

Ad targeting: Singapore

TikTok ad cost:: $24.36 - 97.89

Singapore TikTok cpm: $1.65

14726 Ad Impressions,6 Days,100 Popularity,14726 views,68 likes,1 comments,31 shares.

Tik Tok 腰包 advertising: December 2023

Tik Tok 腰包 advertising: December 2023 Only 10 ads will be displayed, the names of these 10 ads are:


They are sorted by top views and belong to the best results Tik Tok 腰包 advertising: December 2023

The total number of days for these 10 ads:2309 Ad Impressions,2 Days,6 Popularity,2309 views,6 likes,0 comments,0 shares.

The countries they advertise contain: Taiwan



Display name:

Ad Text: 高腰寬腿燈芯絨褲 厚絨包裹 穿著它時保持溫度 輕鬆修飾身材 讓雙腿看起來更纖細 隱藏腹部脂肪

Call to action: 閱讀更多

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $2.91 - 11.65

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

2309 Ad Impressions,2 Days,6 Popularity,2309 views,6 likes,0 comments,0 shares.

Tik Tok 腰包 advertising: November 2023

Tik Tok 腰包 advertising: November 2023 Only 10 ads will be displayed, the names of these 10 ads are:


They are sorted by top views and belong to the best results Tik Tok 腰包 advertising: November 2023

The total number of days for these 10 ads:7265 Ad Impressions,3 Days,11 Popularity,7265 views,11 likes,0 comments,0 shares.

The countries they advertise contain: Taiwan



Display name:

Ad Text: 2023新款男士手機腰包,真皮質感休閒斜挎包,多功能大容量

Call to action: 立即購買

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $8.94 - 35.78

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

7265 Ad Impressions,3 Days,11 Popularity,7265 views,11 likes,0 comments,0 shares.

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